Beware of Scams. Members have reported scammers using spoofed text messages and phone calls that appear to be from O Bee Credit Union employees trying to get members to share sensitive information to gain access to their accounts.
Remember, O Bee will NEVER initiate contact and request your card number, online banking credentials, or one-time passcodes over the phone, via email, or by text. If someone asks you for this information, end the call and reach out to us directly at 360-943-0740. You can also shut off your card at any time in your Online Banking. Click to learn more.
Beware of Scams. Members have reported scammers using spoofed text messages and phone calls that appear to be from O Bee Credit Union employees trying to get members to share sensitive information to gain access to their accounts.
Remember, O Bee will NEVER initiate contact and request your card number, online banking credentials, or one-time passcodes over the phone, via email, or by text. If someone asks you for this information, end the call and reach out to us directly at 360-943-0740. You can also shut off your card at any time in your Online Banking. Click to learn more.
Obee credit union in Olympia - Important Messages and updates

O Bee Updates

Point Ruston Branch to Close Permanently

February 24, 2025 

We want to keep you informed about an upcoming change. Our Point Ruston branch and ATM will close permanently on March 28, 2025 at 3pm.

After careful evaluation, we’ve determined that this location presents unique challenges that impact our ability to serve our Members effectively. Parking restrictions and other factors have led to limited branch traffic, making it difficult to continue operating in this location.

Shifting resources from this under-utilized location will allow us to make a greater investment in our other branches, while providing new opportunities for potential expansion in the future.

Please take advantage of our other six locations including nearby Fern Hill. Remember, you always have 24/7 access to your accounts with Online Banking and the Mobile App. We look forward to seeing you at our other branches!

Thank you for your loyalty and understanding.

O Bee Credit Union

Beware of Scams

February, 2025 

Members have reported scammers using spoofed text messages and phone calls that appear to be from O Bee Credit Union employees trying to get Members to share sensitive information to gain access to their accounts.

Remember, O Bee Credit Union will NEVER initiate contact and request your card number, online banking credentials, or one-time passcodes over the phone, via email, or by text.

If someone asks you for this information, end the call and reach out to us directly at 360-943-0740. You can also shut off your card at any time in your Online Banking.

Click to learn more.

O Bee Credit Union

O Bee Mobile

O Bee Mobile


Bank on-the-go with O Bee Credit Union's mobile app. Check balances, transfer funds, deposit checks, pay bills, and more - all at your fingertips!

Apple Store App Google Play App